
Strategy cover



To further promote golf at the highest level of amateur competition, strengthen EGA member unity, coordinate best practice for the development of golf throughout Europe and foster sustainable, viable and efficient operating methods.


The EGA commits itself to the spirit of golf and the cross-border harmony provided by international sport. The EGA deals honestly with its stakeholders and members to maintain fairness. The EGA upholds integrity in undertaking the role provided in its constitution and provides respect and cooperation in its services to members.


  1. To coordinate key information and services leading to the promotion, development and betterment of golf throughout Europe and as an Olympic sport.

  2. To stage European Title Championships and International Matches and maintain the best opportunities for elite players in Europe.

  3. To act as the governing body of the EGA Handicapping System and to coordinate course rating in Europe.

  4. To create and maintain relationships with international golfing organisations.

  5. To act as the official representative body to the European Union in environmentally sustainable golf and other legislative matters.


  • To encourage the international development of golf, to strengthen the bonds of friendship existing between its members.

  • To encourage the formation of new golf organisations representing the golf activities of European countries.

  • To co-ordinate the dates of the Open and Amateur Championships of its members and to arrange, in conjunction with host Federations, European Championships and specific matches of international character.

  • To ratify and publish the calendar dates of major Amateur and Professional Championships and International Matches in Europe.

  • To consolidate the views on handicapping and rating of golf courses within the realm of the EGA.

  • To establish, develop, maintain and administer an EGA Handicap System to which all members can embrace.

  • To supervise the administration of the EGA Handicap System in countries where the system has been adopted and to control the observance of the fundamental principles and regulations of the system in these countries.

  • To create and maintain international relationship in the field of golf and undertake any action useful to the cause of golf on an international level.